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. 2007 Apr 18;2007(2):MR000001. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000001.pub2

Duggan 1997.

Methods One journal was handsearched cover‐to‐cover by two people, uncertain cases were discussed. MEDLINE and PsycLIT were searched (date and period not given) for the years 1974‐1994.
Data Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (1957‐1994).
Comparisons Handsearch vs MEDLINE and PsycLIT using the Cochrane HSSS.
Outcomes A total of 37 RCTs were identified; 37 RCTs were identified by HS, 24 RCTs were identified by MEDLINE, 26 RCTs were identified by PsycLIT.
Notes It was not clear if all RCTs were full reports.