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. 2007 Apr 18;2007(2):MR000001. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000001.pub2

Marson 1996.

Methods Journals were handsearched for full reports only. MEDLINE was searched (date not given) for the years 1966‐1993.
Data 3 epilepsy journals: Epilepsia and Acta Neurologica Scandinavica (1966‐1993), Epilepsy Research (1987‐1993).
Comparisons Handsearch vs MEDLINE using a complex search (MeSH, PT, truncated text) and a simple search (RCT in PT, RANDOM*).
Outcomes A total of 118 RCTs were identified; 118 RCTs were identified by HS, 76 RCTs were identified by the simple ES and 102 RCTs were identified by the complex ES.
Notes All 118 RCTs were full reports.