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. 2020 Aug 12;7(4):ENEURO.0038-20.2020. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0038-20.2020

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

Use of DeepCINAC classifiers to optimize performances on various dataset. A, Boxplot displaying the sensitivity (top panel), precision (middle panel) and F1 score (bottom panel) for Hippo-GECO dataset. For each panel, we evaluated CaImAn performance as well as two different versions of CINAC (v1 and v3). CINAC_v1 is a classifier trained on data from the Hippo-dvt dataset and CINAC_v3 is a classifier trained on data from the Hippo-GECO dataset (Table 1; Extended Data Table 1-1). B, Boxplot displaying the sensitivity (top panel), precision (middle panel) and F1 score (bottom panel) for Hippo-6m dataset. For each panel, we evaluated CaImAn performance as well as two different versions of CINAC (v1 and v4). CINAC_v1 is a classifier trained on data from the Hippo-dvt dataset and CINAC_v4 is a classifier trained on data from the Hippo-dvt, Hippo-6m, and Barrel-ctx-6s dataset (Table 1; Extended Data Table 1-1). C, Boxplot displaying the sensitivity (top panel), precision (middle panel) and F1 score (bottom panel) for Barrel-ctx-6s dataset. For each panel, we evaluated CaImAn performance as well as two different versions of CINAC (v1 and v4). CINAC_v1 is a classifier trained on data from the Hippo-dvt dataset and CINAC_v4 is a classifier trained on data from the Hippo-dvt, Hippo-6m, and Barrel-ctx-6s dataset (Table 1; Extended Data Table 1-1). D, Boxplot displaying the sensitivity (top panel), precision (middle panel) and F1 score (bottom panel) for Hippo-dvt-INs dataset. For each panel, we evaluated CaImAn performance as well as two different versions of CINAC (v1 and v7). CINAC_v1 is a classifier trained on data from the Hippo-dvt dataset and CINAC_v7 is a classifier trained on interneurons from the Hippo-dvt dataset (Table 1; Extended Data Table 1-1). Each colored dot represents a cell, the number inside indicates the cell’s id and each color represents a session as identified in the legend. Figure 8 is supported by Extended Data Figures 8-1, 8-2, 8-3.