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. 2020 Jun 23;9:e54967. doi: 10.7554/eLife.54967

Table 1. Initial set of demographic models in the catalog and summary of computing resources needed for simulation.

For each model, we report the CPU time, maximum memory usage and the size of the output tskit file, as simulated using the msprime simulation engine (version 0.7.4). In each case, we simulate 100 samples drawn from the first population, for the shortest chromosome of that species and a constant chromosome-specific recombination rate. The times reported are for a single run on an Intel i5-7600K CPU. Computing resources required will vary widely depending on sample sizes, chromosome length, recombination rates and other factors.

Model ID Citation CPU(s) Ram(MB) File(MB)
HomSap (Homo sapiens)
 Africa_1T12 Tennessen et al., 2012 10.0 194.2 23.3
 Zigzag_1S14 Schiffels and Durbin, 2014 3.3 106.1 7.9
 AshkSub_7G19 Gladstein and Hammer, 2019 13.8 216.3 26.4
 OutOfAfrica_3G09 Gutenkunst et al., 2009 10.2 182.0 21.1
 OutOfAfrica_2T12 Tennessen et al., 2012 10.7 198.4 24.1
 AncientEurasia_9K19 Kamm et al., 2019 63.1 304.4 41.2
 AmericanAdmixture_4B11 Browning et al., 2018 10.6 188.1 22.3
 PapuansOutOfAfrica_10J19 Jacobs et al., 2019 204.5 524.7 77.8
 OutOfAfricaArchaicAdmixture_5R19 Ragsdale and Gravel, 2019 8.8 185.4 21.7
DroMel (Drosophila melanogaster)
 OutOfAfrica_2L06 Li and Stephan, 2006 252.8 678.0 106.7
 African3Epoch_1S16 Sheehan and Song, 2016 3.0 123.9 11.5
AraTha (Arabidopsis thaliana)
 African2Epoch_1H18 Huber et al., 2018 4.3 220.5 16.5
 African3Epoch_1H18 Huber et al., 2018 2.6 241.3 18.4
PonAbe (Pongo abelii
 TwoSpecies_2L11 Locke et al., 2011 7.2 171.9 14.7