Figure 1 – Transcriptome-wide association study (TWAS) of atopic asthma in nasal epithelium.
A) Volcano plot showing differential gene expression in nasal epithelium between cases and controls. CST1 (P-value 2.08×10−60) and CLCA1 (log2 fold change 8.14) not shown. B) Hub-based sub-network in cases (top) and controls (bottom). Hubs are genes with connected to ≥4 co-expressed genes. Only hub genes in cases and their direct connections are shown. In controls no genes had ≥4 connections. C) Prediction analysis of using three panels of top genes (by P-value, by log2-fold change, or by “hub” genes). Each n=17 (based on the number of “hub” genes identified) to ensure an equal number of predictors. AUC: Area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve.