Figure 4.
Measuring synaptic densities and sizes in stacks of sections obtained by FIB-SEM. (a–c) Panoramic view of electron micrographs of the stratum lacunosum moleculare (SLM), stratum radiatum (SR) and stratum oriens (SO) imaged by FIB-SEM. (d–f) 3D rendering of synaptic junctions reconstructed from the corresponding stacks of serial sections, acquired from the strata represented in (a–c). Asymmetric synaptic junctions have been represented in green and symmetric synaptic junctions in red. (g–i) The synaptic apposition surfaces (SAS, yellow) have been automatically extracted from the three-dimensionally reconstructed synaptic junctions. The number of synapses per unit volume and the surface areas of the SAS have been measured in each stack of serial sections (see Tables 1 and 2). Calibration bar in (c): 3 µm.