采用前瞻性研究方法,选择2017年8月至2018年8月在3家精神专科医院招募符合《美国精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第4版(Diagnositic and Statistical Manual Disorder-Fourth Version, DSM-Ⅳ)酒精依赖诊断标准的住院治疗的男性患者158例,进行基线测查,并在基线后3个月进行随访,调查复饮情况。基线测查包括人口学资料、饮酒特征、临床机构酒精依赖戒断评估表(clinical institute withdrawal assessment-advanced revised, CIWA-Ar)、环境线索诱导及戒断期心理渴求视觉模拟标尺评分(visual analog scale,VAS)、密歇根酒精依赖筛查量表(Michigan alcoholism screening test, MAST)、焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale, SAS)、抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale, SDS)及饮酒促迫性量表(alcohol urge questionnaire, AUQ)。根据随访结果,将“复发”定义为在基线和随访之间任何时刻饮用含有乙醇的饮料,“复发时间”定义为首次饮酒距离基线的天数。是否复发和复发时间是主要结局指标,采用Cox比例风险回归模型分析影响酒精依赖复发的因素。
酒精依赖患者3个月复发率为63.7%, 多因素Cox比例风险回归模型分析发现年龄(OR=0.975,P=0.030)及CIWA-Ar评分(OR=1.126,P=0.010)是影响酒精依赖复发的因素,两种环境下心理渴求与复饮差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。
Keywords: 酒精依赖, 复发, 心理渴求
To investigate whether craving and demographic factors to predict relapse in alcohol dependence.
This study was a prospective cohort study. From August 2017 to August 2018, 158 Han male inpatients who met the diagnositic and statistical manual disorders-fourth version(DSM-Ⅳ) alcohol dependence diagnostic criteria were recruited from three mental hospitals in China. The participants were interviewed at baseline and followed up by telephone after 3 months for assessment. The baseline assessment after the acute withdrawal period included demographic data and alcohol-related data, clinical institute withdrawal assessment-advanced revised (CIWA-Ar), withdrawal and cue-induced craving on visual analog scale (VAS), Michigan alcoholism screening test (MAST), self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), self-rating depression scale (SDS) and alcohol urge questionnaire (AUQ). According to the follow-up results, “relapse” was defined as the consumption of beverages containing ethanol at any time during the follow-up study, and “time to relapse” was defined as the number of days from the first drinking to the baseline. Whether relapse occurred and the time to relapse were the primary endpoints. Cox proportional hazard regression model was used to analyze the factors affecting the relapse of alcohol dependence.
In the study, 158 alcohol dependence patients were finally included, age from 21 to 60 years, with the mean age of (40.31±9.14) years. The relapse rate was 63.7% three months after baseline assessment. According to Cox univariate analysis and multivariate analysis, the age (OR=0.975, P=0.030) and CIWA-Ar scores (OR=1.126, P=0.010) significantly predicted relapse. And there was no significant difference in education level, marital status, withdrawal and cue-induced craving on VAS, SAS and SDS between the relapse group and the non-relapse group (P>0.05).
Age and severity of alcohol-dependent withdrawal symptoms during hospitalization are significantly related to relapse for alcohol in alcohol-dependent patients. To be exact, the older age is a protective factor, that is to say, the younger patients are prone to relapse, while the risk of relapse is raised by the higher se-verity of withdrawal symptoms. However, neither cue-induced nor withdrawal craving can predict relapse of alcohol-dependent patients.
Keywords: Alcohol dependence, Relapse, Craving
1. 资料与方法
1.1. 研究对象
入选标准:(1)汉族;(2)男性;(3)年龄18~60岁(包括18和60岁);(4)符合美国精神病学协会发布的《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第4版(the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorders-Fourth Edition, DSM-Ⅳ)酒精依赖的诊断标准;(5)戒断时间为 14~30 d;(6)简明精神状态检查量表(mini-mental state examination, MMSE)评分≥27;(7)临床机构酒精依赖戒断评估表(clinical institute withdrawal assessment of alcohol scale-advanced revised, CIWA-Ar)评分<7;(8)小学及以上文化程度。
排除标准:(1)患精神分裂症、双相情感障碍、抑郁发作、广泛性焦虑障碍、惊恐障碍等符合DSM-Ⅳ 轴Ⅰ诊断的精神障碍(尼古丁依赖除外);(2)严重躯体疾病。
1.2. 研究工具
1.2.1 自制调查表 使用自制调查表收集受试者的人口学资料及饮酒信息。一般资料调查表的内容包括:(1)一般人口学资料(性别、年龄、婚姻状况、受教育年限、工作状况、身高、体重、本人及家属联系方式等);(2)饮酒信息,包括本次戒断天数,首次饮酒年龄,酒精依赖发病年龄,酒精依赖时长,日均饮酒量(标准杯,1标准杯=10 g纯酒精),既往戒酒情况(最长戒断时长、住院治疗次数)等;(3)酒精使用障碍家族史;(4)躯体及精神疾病病史;(5)目前用药情况。
1.2.2 心理评估量表 简明精神状态检查量表评估患者认知功能;临床机构酒精依赖戒断评估表评估戒断症状严重程度;使用焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale, SAS)评估近一周焦虑情绪;使用抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale, SDS)评估近一周抑郁情绪;使用密歇根酒精依赖筛查量表(Michigan alcoholism screening test, MAST)评估患者酒精依赖严重程度,与饮酒有关问题的严重程度分别为无(0分)、低(1~4分)、轻(5~6分)、中度(7~25分)、较重(26~39分)、严重(40~53分);饮酒促迫性量表(alcohol urge questionnaire, AUQ)评估受试者基线测试时渴望饮酒迫切程度;视觉模拟标尺(visual analogue scale,VAS)评估受试者当时的心理渴求程度。
1.3. 研究流程
1.3.1 基线评估中一般资料的采集 筛查符合入组标准的酒精依赖患者后,使用自制调查表收集受试者的人口学资料及饮酒信息,使用SAS和SDS分别评估酒精依赖患者近一周的焦虑及抑郁情绪,使用MAST评估酒精依赖严重程度。
1.3.2 基线评估中心理渴求的评估 受试者完成基线评估后进行心理渴求评估,首先使用VAS评估受试者戒断期心理渴求程度,并使用AUQ评估戒断期渴望饮酒迫切程度;随后,嘱咐受试者安静状态下想象回忆最长戒断期后再次复饮时的饮酒场景,描述当时饮酒细节,该过程持续3 min,并使用VAS评估想象过程时的心理渴求程度。既往研究中指出想象之前再次复饮时场景或者应激情形,可以作为线索引起主观心理渴求及线索诱导生理反应[12,13,14]。为了引起强烈心理渴求,本研究让受试者回忆最长戒断期时再次复饮场景,并描述当时一些细节。
1.3.3 随访 受试者完成基线测查后的第3个月进行电话随访。随访内容包括是否复发,复发原因,首次饮酒距基线测查的时长。本研究将“复发”定义为在基线和随访之间任何时间饮用含有乙醇的饮料,“复发时间”定义为首次饮酒距离基线天数,由患者本人及家属报告,如果患者本人自诉未复饮,需与家属核实。
1.4. 统计学分析
2. 结果
2.1. 社会人口学与临床特征统计描述及单因素Cox分析结果
受试者完成3个月随访的共158例,有101例复发,复发时间的中位数60.00 d(95%CI 48.510~71.490), 3个月复发率 63.7%。单因素Cox回归分析表明戒断症状严重程度(OR=1.098,P=0.045)对酒精依赖复发具有预测作用,其余各项指标与酒精依赖复发差异无统计学意义(表1)。
Variables | No relapse (n=57) |
Relapse (n=101) |
Cox univariate analysis | |
OR (95%CI ) | P | |||
MMSE, mini-mental state examination; CIWA-Ar, clinical institute withdrawal assessment of alcohol scale- advanced revised; MAST, Michigan alcoholism screening test; SAS, self-rating anxiety scale; SDS, self-rating depression scale; AD, alcohol dependence. | ||||
Age/years, x±s | 41.25±9.21 | 39.78±9.11 | 0.983 (0.962-1.005) | 0.130 |
Education, n (%) | ||||
≤ Primary school | 26 (45.6) | 48 (47.5) | 0.977 (0.756-1.247) | 0.851 |
Middle school | 17 (29.8) | 28 (27.7) | ||
≥ College | 14 (24.6) | 25 (24.8) | ||
Marital status, n (%) | ||||
Married | 47 (82.5) | 82 (81.2) | 1.020 (0.773-1.347) | 0.888 |
Single | 4 (7.0) | 3 (3.0) | ||
Divorced or lost spouse | 6 (10.5) | 16 (15.8) | ||
MMSE, x±s | 28.32±1.39 | 28.41±1.49 | 0.988 (0.865-1.152) | 0.978 |
Average daily alcohol consumption / unit cups, median (range) | 15.00 (9.00 -19.00) |
14.40 (10.38-20.00) |
1.050 (0.861-1.281) | 0.629 |
Duration of AD / years, median (range) | 5.00 (3.00-10.00) |
5.00 (2.00-9.50) |
0.980 (0.947-1.015) | 0.264 |
CIWA-Ar scores, median (range) | 2.00 (0-4.00) |
2.00 (1.00-4.00) |
1.098 (1.002-1.202) | 0.045 |
Number of treatment, median (range) | 1.00 (0-2.00) |
1.00 (0-2.00) |
0.995 (0.921-1.074) | 0.895 |
Maximum duration of abstinence / months, median (range) | 2.00 (1.00-6.50) |
2.25 (1.00-6.00) |
0.989 (0.963-1.015) | 0.401 |
MAST, n (%) | ||||
7-25 | 21 (36.8) | 24 (23.8) | 1.166 (0.885-1.537) | 0.274 |
26-39 | 22 (38.6) | 54 (53.5) | ||
40-53 | 14 (24.6) | 23 (22.8) | ||
SAS scores, x±s | 34.04±8.324 | 34.19±7.348 | 1.002 (0.978-1.027) | 0.859 |
SDS scores, x±s | 38.93±9.27 | 37.22±10.18 | 0.991 (0.970-1.011) | 0.365 |
2.2. 心理渴求评分统计描述及单因素Cox分析
Variables | No relapse (n=57) |
Relapse (n=101) |
Cox univariate analysis | |
OR (95% CI ) | P | |||
R-CVAS, cue-induced craving on visual analog scale (VAS) by recalling; W-CVAS, withdrawal craving on VAS;AUQ, alcohol urge questionnaire. | ||||
R-CVAS, median (range) | 5.00 (3.00-7.00) |
5.00 (4.00-7.00) |
1.029 (0.957-1.107) | 0.441 |
W-CVAS, median (range) | 0 (0-0.55) | 0 (0-1.50) | 1.041 (0.952-1.138) | 0.380 |
AUQ scores, x±s | 15.70 ± 7.44 | 17.42 ± 10.84 | 1.016 (0.995-1.037) | 0.130 |
2.3. 酒精依赖患者复发的影响因素
Variables | Cox multivariate analysis | |
OR (95%CI ) | P value | |
CIWA-Ar, clinical institute withdrawal assessment-advanced revised; R-CVAS, cue-induced craving on VAS by recalling; W-CVAS, withdrawal craving on VAS;AUQ, alcohol urge questionnaire. | ||
Age | 0.975 (0.953-0.998) | 0.030 |
CIWA-Ar | 1.126 (1.029-1.233) | 0.010 |
AUQ | 1.015 (0.993-1.037) | 0.186 |
AUQ * CIWA-Ar | 0.997 (0.985-1.008) | 0.569 |
W-CVAS * CIWA-Ar | 1.012 (0.979-1.045) | 0.491 |
R-CVAS * CIWA-Ar | 1.004 (0.984-1.025) | 0.680 |
3. 讨论
受教育程度低、男性、戒断次数多、饮酒频率高及饮酒量大,患者治疗后复发风险高 ,戒断应激引起的焦虑及抑郁情绪也增加复发的风险[28]。本研究未发现受教育程度、婚姻状况、酒精依赖时长、每日饮酒量、酒精依赖严重程度、基线时自评焦虑状态以及抑郁状态对酒精依赖复发产生影响,可能与本研究受试均为男性,病情相对较重,同时入组时排除焦虑障碍及抑郁障碍等有关。
从事精神疾病的临床和基础研究工作20余年,主要研究领域为睡眠障碍治疗、睡眠与奖赏记忆、成瘾心理渴求的神经机制和干预。近几年在Addiction biology,Sleep Psychoneuroendo-crinology等期刊发表论文60余篇,其中多篇被Biology Psychiatry、Journal of Neuroscience等权威杂志引用。参编参译《沈渔邨精神病学》《酒精使用相关障碍临床诊疗指南》《睡眠与睡眠障碍相关量表》等18部著作。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金、973计划、国家科技支撑计划等项目。
Funding Statement
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81571297)
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