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. 2020 Aug 10;2020:8569314. doi: 10.1155/2020/8569314

Table 4.

Attitude of healthcare professionals towards ADR reporting (n = 11). Questions Type Angamo et al. [22] N (%) Bule et al. [23]
N (%)
Nadew et al. [24] N (%) Kefale et al. [26] N (%) Kasa et al. [28] N (%) Goshime et al. [29] N (%) Denekew et al. [30] N (%) Gidey et al. [31] N (%) Kassa et al. [32] N (%) Hailua et al. [33] N (%) Shanko et al. [34] N (%)
1 ADR should be reported spontaneously at regular base Agree 44 (53.66) 122 (93.8) NA 186 (87.3) 88 (77.20) 365 (96.2) 208 (88.9) 207 (67.4) 40 (70.1) NA 218 (73.9)
Disagree 38 (46.44) 8 (6.2) NA 27 (12.7) 26 (22.80) 14 (3.8) 26 (11.1) 100 (32.6) 17 (29.9) NA 77 (26.1)
2 Reporting ADR is part of duty of health professionals Agree 47 (57.31) 111 (85.4) 388 (95.3) 179 (84) 100 (87.72) 371 (97.9) 217 (92.7) NA 53 (93.0) NA 179 (60.68)
Disagree 35 (42.69) 19 (14.6) 19 (4.7) 34 (16) 14 (22.28) 8 (2.1) 17 (7.3) NA 4 (7) NA 116 (39.32)
3 Reporting drug safety is important for the public Agree 59 (71.95) 122 (93.8) NA 182 (85.5) 108 (94.74) 366 (96.6) 219 (93.6) NA 52 (91.2) 145 (96.7) 246 (83.4)
Disagree 23 (28.05) 8 (6.2) NA 31 (14.5) 6 (5.26) 13 (3.4) 15 (6.4) NA 5 (8.8) 5 (3.7) 49 (16.6)
4 Reporting drug safety is important for the health care system Agree 58 (70.73) 123 (94.6) 258 (63.4) 197 (92.5) NA 376 (99.2) 222 (94.9) 135 (44.0) NA NA 216 (73.2)
Disagree 24 (29.27) 7 (5.4) 149 (36.6) 15 (7.5) NA 3 (0.8) 12 (5.1) 172 (56.0) NA NA 78 (26.4)
5 There is a need to be sure that ADR is related to the drug before reporting Agree 70 (85.37) 76 (58.5) 381 (93.6) 164 (77) 87 (76.32) 321 (90) 180 (76.9) 194 (63.2) NA NA 200 (67.8)
Disagree 12 (14.63) 54 (41.5) 26 (6.4) 49 (23) 27 (23.68) 38 (10) 54 (23.1) 113 (36.8) NA NA 95 (32.2)
6 Only ADR of prescription drugs need to be reported Agree 17 (20.73) NA NA NA NA 78 (20.6) 87 (37.2) 82 (26.7) NA NA NA
Disagree 65 (79.27) NA NA NA NA 301 (79.4) 147 (62.8) 225 (73.3) NA NA NA
7 Only ADR that cause persistent disability should be reported Agree 8 (9.76) 11 (8.5) NA 75 (35.2) 48 (42.11) 49 (12.9) 45 (19.2) NA 20 (35.0) NA 53 (17.97)
Disagree 74 (90.24) 119 (91.5) NA 138 (64.8) 66 (57.89) 330 (87.1) 189 (80.8) NA 37 (65) NA 242 (82.03)
8 Reporting ADR improves quality of patient care Agree 60 (73.17) NA 391 (96) NA 101 (88.60) NA 19 (8.1) 148 (48.2) 52 (91.2) NA NA
Disagree 22 (26.83) NA 16 (4) NA 13 (11.40) NA 215 (91.9) 159 (51.8) 5 (8.8) NA NA
9 One report of ADR makes no difference Agree 14 (17.07) NA 45 (11) NA 30 (22.32) NA 46 (19.7) 103 (33.6) 38 (66.7) 123 (82) NA
Disagree 68 (82.93) NA 362 (89) NA 84 (73.68) NA 178 (80.3) 204 (66.4) 19 (33.3) 27 (18) NA
10 Reporting is not useful to the patient Agree 7 (8.53) NA NA 21 (10.1) NA 14 (3.7) 19 (8.1) NA NA NA NA
Disagree 75 (91.47) NA NA 192 (89.9) NA 365 (96.3) 215 (91.9) NA NA NA NA
11 Reporting creates additional work load Agree 42 (51.21) 46 (35.4) 55 (13.5) NA 48 (42.11) NA 52 (22.2) 199 (64.8) NA NA 42 (14.2)
Disagree 40 (48.79) 84 (64.6) 352 (86.5) NA 66 (57.89) NA 182 (87.8) 108 (35.2) NA NA 253 (85.8)
12 Reporting of ADR affects patient's confidentiality issues Agree NA NA 35 (8.6) NA 31 (27.19) NA NA NA 22 (38.6) NA NA
Disagree NA NA 372 (91.4) NA 83 (72.81) NA NA NA 35 (61.4) NA NA
13 Fear of legal liability affects ADR reporting Agree NA NA 209 (51.4) NA 60 (52.63) NA NA NA 21 (36.8) NA NA
Disagree NA NA 198 (48.6) NA 54 (47.37) NA NA NA 36 (63.2) NA NA
14 Reporting of ADR should be voluntary Agree NA NA NA 67 (31.4) 27 (23.68) 200 (52.8) 37 (15.8) 191 (62.2) 17 (29.9) 27 (18) NA
Disagree NA NA NA 146 (68.6) 87 (76.32) 179 (41.2) 197 (84.2) 116 (37.8) 40 (70.1) 123 (82) NA

NA: not assessed.