Fig. 2. Structural and mechanical properties of IHN BCP PC.
(A to C) Scattering intensity versus qz plots of IHN BCP PC films with different SCs of blue, green, and red, based on 2D GISAXS results in the insets. a.u., arbitrary unit. From left to right: Cross-sectional bright-field TEM images of IHN BCP PC films with different SCs of (D) blue (lamellae periodicity 151 nm), (E) green (lamellae periodicity 181 nm), and (F) red (lamellae periodicity 203 nm). From left to right: (G) Schematic illustration of nanoindentation experiment performed with the sequential loading, holding, and unloading. (H) Force-distance curves of the PS-b-P2VP and IHN BCP PC with red SC. (I) Effective moduli of a PS-b-P2VP, IHN BCP PCs with different SCs of blue, green, and red, and IHN BCP PCs with different amounts of EMITFSI. Effective modulus of a bare PEGDA hydrogel is also shown on the right side.