Visual sorting and bright greenish-yellow fluorescence (BGYF) test effects on aflatoxin (AF)concentrations in maize and groundnut kernels. a) Visual sorting effects on AF levels in maize single kernels (n = 208) originated from nine hybrids inoculated with Aspergillus flavus in Mississippi field trail in 2017 (MS17), b) BGYF test effects on AF levels in maize single kernels (n = 208) from MS17, c) visual sorting effects on maize kernels (n = 166 kernel sets, five kernels/set) from naturally infected kernels collected from open markets in Tanzania in 2019, and d) visual sorting effects on groundnut kernels (n = 53 kernel sets, five kernels/set) naturally contaminated with AF collected from open markets in Tanzania in 2019. The aflatoxin mean and median (shown in parentheses) of each kernel class are presented on the boxplots The letters on the boxplots represent results of Tukey's test/two tail t-test (treatments with different letters are significantly different at 95% level of confidence). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)