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. 2020 Aug 20;293:113419. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113419

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics and zero-order differences by stay-at-home order status in late March 2020 (N = 435).

March 2020 Sample Descriptives
Differences by Stay-at-Home Order Status
Mean (SD)
Observed Range
Stay-at-Home Statusa
Yes No
n (%) 283 (65.1%) 152 (34.9%)
Distancing Behavior 0.48 (0.28) −0.25–1.00 0.50 (0.27) 0.46 (0.29) 1.45 .148 .14
Social Resources
 Social support 77.81 (14.97) 30–96 78.51 (14.08) 76.49 (16.48) 1.34 .180 .13
 Social network size 13.67 (8.71) 0–56 13.71 (8.99) 13.57 (8.18) 0.17 .869 .02
Mental Health Symptoms
 Depression 14.90 (11.99) 0–53 15.84 (12.43) 13.13 (10.96) 2.26 .025* .23
 GAD 5.66 (5.50) 0–21 6.18 (5.73) 4.70 (4.92) 2.71 .007** .28
 Intrusive thoughts 8.26 (4.36) 0–20 8.55 (4.45) 7.71 (4.14) 1.92 .055† .20
 Insomnia 7.44 (6.11) 0–27 7.77 (6.18) 6.84 (5.96) 1.52 .128 .15
 Acute stress 22.12 (11.02) 10–50 23.28 (11.77) 19.97 (9.12) 3.01 .003** .31

Note. a Unless otherwise indicated, values are in the format M (SD).

* p < .05, ** p < .01, † p = .055.