Table 3.
Intervention element | Definition | Subtypes | Code | Example | BCW intervention function(s) |
Medication therapy management | ‘Providing verbal education and training designed to enhance patient understanding and appropriate use of his/her medications’.54 | – | MTM1 | Patients will be provided with comprehensive counselling and specific adherence strategies (information about medications and administration) by the pharmacist.55 |
Shared decision-making | Narrative-based dialogue between doctor and patient to discuss treatment targets and priorities of the patient.56 | – | SDM1 | GPs met with patients three times within 12 months. The first session was aimed at identifying patients’ priorities in life (including non-medical goals) and carving out treatment targets based on this information. The second session involved a ‘brown bag review’. On the third session, GPs discussed with patients about goal attainment, changes in medication and treatment targets for the future.56 |
Clinical decision support | ‘Technological applications that provide clinicians, staff, patients or other individuals with knowledge and person-specific information, intelligently filtered or presented at appropriate times, to enhance health and healthcare’.57 | – | CDS1 | GP recorded medication and diagnoses in STRIPA and performed a structured drug review using the software. STRIPA is a Dutch software-based tool that 1) highlights predictable adverse medication effects, 2) advises safe and appropriate therapy using STOPP/START criteria, 3) monitors for interactions and 4) provides appropriate dosing in accordance with renal function.58 |
Education | Increasing knowledge or understanding about PIP.28 | For physicians | ED1 | Physicians in the intervention group received: (1) a detailed educational brochure listing potentially inappropriate medications, (2) a list of suggested alternative medications (independently suggested and reviewed by five geriatricians and pharmacists not affiliated with the MCOs).45 |
For physicians and nurses | ED2 | PCPs and nurses underwent tutorial on PIP.59 |
Patient interview | ‘Asking patient about how, when and why the patient takes each medication, as well as about any adverse reactions, allergies or issues with medication cost the patient may have experienced’.60 | Performed by physician | PI1 | During the consultation, patients were interviewed on drugs currently being taken, dosage and frequency and the condition for which the medication had been prescribed.61 |
Performed by healthcare professional other than physician | PI2 | Patients received a 30–60 minute face-to-face consultation with the pharmacist at the clinic. Prior to the consultation, pharmacist reviewed patient's medical records. During the consultation, pharmacists interviewed patients for medication history, adherence and knowledge.62 |
BCW, behaviour change wheel; GP, general practitioner; MCO, managed care organisation; PCP, primary care provider; PIP, potentially inappropriate prescribing; START, screening tool to alert to right treatment; STOPP, screening tool of older person’s potentially inappropriate prescriptions; STRIPA, systematic tool to reduce inappropriate prescribing-assistant.