FIG 2.
(A) Timeline of isolation of blaIMP-8 Gram-negative bacteria in the hemato-oncology department over 6 years. Bars represent isolates from patients and the length of their stay in the hospital. Patient 21 was seen only in the outpatient department, marked with an “O.” Environmental isolates are marked with an “X” at the date of isolation. The introduction of a rectal screening program is marked with a black arrow. (B) Overview of plasmids with relevance to the evolution of the blaIMP-8 plasmid found in P. aeruginosa, C. freundii, and C. cronae. (C) Maximum likelihood phylogeny of Citrobacter species included in the study (n = 9). The Citrobacter freundii strains formed two clusters, Cf1 (n = 5) and Cf2 (n = 3). Strains of cluster Cf2 harbored a chromosomal transposon region (black triangle) homologous to the regions of plasmid C. C. cronae clustered with the closely related C. werkmanii NBRC105721 and DSM17579 strains. The scale bar shows the expected number of nucleotide changes per site. PA, P. aeruginosa; CF, Citrobacter freundii; CC, Citrobacter cronae.