Detailed alignment of plasmids A, B, and C. Plasmid A (blue, outer circle) harbored a multidrug resistance cassette that included blaIMP-8 on a class 1 integron and shows high GC content (inner circle, green). Plasmid B (green, outer circle) harbored no blaIMP-8 resistance gene and shows lower GC content (red). Plasmid C (red) was the largest and comprised plasmid A, plasmid B, duplicated regions 1 and 2 (black arrows), and a unique extension by two Tn3 elements in one fusion region. Highlighted in blue are hits in the IS finder database annotated to the transposon or IS family level. Parts of Tn3 family transposons are present in different locations of the plasmids. The class 1 integron consists of 9 AMR genes, including those encoding aminoglycosides, beta-lactams, and sulfonamides. Additional AMR genes and a mercury resistance operon (23) are present within the duplicated region. The resistance gene translocations are displayed in a schematic manner.