Figure 3. Clustering approach for electrophysiological subtyping of the Sst-expressing neurons.
Afterdepolarizing ‘ADP’ subtype is in green, high-frequency firing ‘HFF’ subtype in light blue, and ‘Delayed’ subtype in yellow. (a) Scatter plot of the Sst-neuron subtypes depicting the results of PCA (PC1 and PC2 as ‘x’ and ‘y’ axes, respectively) and GMM (big circles in corresponding colors). Non-outlined dots denote the cells from juvenile mice (n = 392), while black-outlined dots represent mature neurons from P60-P90 mice (n = 92): mature neurons reproduced the clustering pattern of younger neurons. (b) PCA weights of the electrophysiological characteristics that most influenced the clustering (see also Table 1). Clustering script and intermediate electrophysiological data to reproduce the results can be downloaded from here: Supporting data can be found in the Additional files: Figure 3—figure supplements 1–4.