Fig. 4. Localization rate decays more slowly with increased fluorescent protein expression.
Localization rate as a function of imaging time for a Cdc12p-MEEVF + TRAP4-mNG and b Cdc12p-SYNZIP18 + SYNZIP17-mNG, each at four different concentrations of galactose. Data for the MEEVF-TRAP4 interaction pair is for 0% galactose (red), 0.005% galactose (dark orange), 0.02% galactose (light orange), and 0.1% galactose (yellow). Data for the SYNZIP18-SYNZIP17 interaction pair is for 0% galactose (bright blue), 0.005% galactose (blue), 0.02% galactose (teal), and 0.1% galactose (mint). All images were generated from 4000 frame videos, with each frame having an exposure time of 50 ms and a laser power density of 3.1 W/cm2. The data for each concentration of galactose were fit to a single exponential (shown as a solid line with matching color). For the MEEVF-TRAP4 interaction pair (a), the exponential time constant (τ) for the different concentrations of galactose is 0%: 4.7 s; 0.005%: 15 s; 0.02%: 32 s; and 0.1%: 81 s. For the SYNZIP18-SYNZIP17 interaction pair (b), the exponential time constant (τ) for the different concentrations of galactose is: 0%: 1.9 s; 0.005%: 54 s; 0.02%: 73 s; and 0.1%: 139 s.