Capitella teleta: lophotrochin and trochin show a similar expression pattern throughout development and expression of both genes is restricted to a subset of ciliated structures. a In early stage 4 larvae, lophotrochin (black) is expressed in the prototroch and the ciliated area around the mouth. Ventral view, brightfield. b Labeling of cilia in the same larva with acetylated α-tubulin antibody (red) merged with (a). c In late stage 4, trochin (purple) is expressed in the prototroch, the area around the mouth, and in the telotroch, ventral view. d
Lophotrochin (purple) expression is seen in prototroch, telotroch and neurotroch, in stage 6, ventral view. e In stage 8, lophotrochin is expressed in the anterior esophagus and pharynx. Expression in the prototroch and telotroch is reduced compared with that in stage 6. Lateral view. f
Lophotrochin expression is undetectable after metamorphosis, juvenile, lateral view. g Diagram of a mid-stage larva, showing the prototroch (left, vertical), neurotroch (center, horizontal), and the telotroch (right vertical band). Cilia in green. h
Trochin expression in stage 6 larva, ventral view. i
Trochin expression of stage 8, lateral view. j–o
Platynereis dumerilii: expression of lophotrochin and trochin is very similar, and is restricted to ciliary bands. j Diagram of the ciliary bands of the larva of the annelid Platynereis, cilia in green and chaetae in black. k At 24 h post fertilization (hpf), lophotrochin (purple) is expressed in the prototroch cells, ventral view. l
Trochin’s expression pattern (purple), 24 hpf, ventral view. m In 48-hpf larva, expression of a conserved ciliary marker Tektin-3/5A (purple) is shown in the prototroch (now a thinner ring of cells), the ciliated apical organ (out of plane in this image), a larger telotroch, and in two pairs of rows (paratroch 1, weakly, and paratroch 2) between the first three pairs of trunk segments/parapodia, ventral view. Expression of (n) Lophotrochin and (o) trochin in the same stage (48 hpf) larva show almost identical pattern to the Tektin-3/5A (m). Scale bars: 100 μm. For each in situ hybridization, at least 20 animals were stained and all had the pattern shown.