Figure 5.
BBS5 is needed for optimal rod cell response and is vital for cone photoreceptor function. (A, B, C) Overlaid representative scotopic and photopic ERG traces at the lowest and highest flash intensities (0.1 and 25 cd·s/m2) from dark-adapted 2-month-old WT (black) and Bbs5–/– (red) animals. (D) Summary data averaged across WT (black circles) and Bbs5–/– (red triangles). The a-wave amplitude was measured from baseline to trough, and the b-wave amplitude was measured from baseline to peak at each flash intensity. Latencies represent time to peak/trough. Bbs5–/– scotopic a- and b-wave amplitudes were significantly decreased compared to WT, but latencies were comparable to those of WT. Bbs5–/– photopic responses were flatlined compared to WT controls (n = 6 per group; mean ± SD; ***P < 0.05, repeated-measures ANOVA).