Effect of MMF on scotopic retinal function in rd10 mice. (A) Naïve c57 mice have significantly greater scotopic b-wave amplitudes than either naïve rd10 or rd10 mice treated with MMF starting at P12 (MMFP12) for each stimuli at all ages (P22: n = 14, 8, 11; P35: n = 19, 18, 6; P60: n = 16, 7, and 6, respectively). The same was true for the a-wave response to 3.39 log cd*s/m2, except at P22 where MMFP12-treated rd10 mice (n = 11) had amplitudes that were not significantly different than c57 mice (n = 14, P = 0.07), and both were significantly greater than that of naïve rd10 mice (n = 8, P < 0.0001). There was no significant effect of MMFP12 treatment on the scotopic responses to 3.39 log cd ∙ s/m2 from rd10 mice at either P35 or P60. (B) Representative scotopic waveforms at P22 from naïve or MMFP12-treated rd10 and c57 mice in response to −1.68 or 3.39 log cd ∙ s/m2 stimuli. For the 3.39 log cd ∙ s/m2 stimuli, the rd10 mice treated with MMFP12 showed larger amplitude responses that were similar in appearance to c57 mice. (C) The expanded scotopic ERG protocol (stimulus: −4.3 to 3.39 log cd ∙ s/m2) showed that rd10 mice treated with MMFP12 (n = 11) had significant preservation of the a-wave amplitude as compared with naïve rd10 mice (n = 8): −0.14 (P = 0.008), 0.41 (P = 0.013), 1.52 (P = 0.0001), and 3.39 (P < 0.0001) log cd ∙ s/m2 stimulus. The b-wave amplitude only showed a mild trend toward preservation that was not significant. There was no effect of MMFP12 treatment on the retinal function of c57 mice, which shows that MMF is not detrimental to the development of normal retinal function. cd ∙ s/m2, candela-seconds per square meter; *P ≤ 0.05.