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. 2019 Oct 11;11(2):251–265. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmz108


Characteristics of studies that examined the association between cheese consumption and hip fractures in postmenopausal women1

  Design (participant characteristics) Cases, n
 Author (reference)  n Total Highest-intake group Lowest-intake group Age, y  Duration of follow-up, y  Intake categories2  OR/RR (95% CI)  Adjustments
Tavani et al. (54) Case-control (hospitalized patients) 960 241 64 (range: 45–74) <4 portions/wk vs. >6 portions/wk OR: 1.0 (0.7–1.5) Age, education, BMI, smoking status, total alcohol consumption, and estrogen therapy
Sahni et al. (47)3 Prospective cohort (Framingham Original Cohort) 469 76 36/259 40/210 77 ± 4.8 11.6 ≤1 serving/wk vs. >1 serving/wk RR: 0.73 (0.46–1.15) Age, BMI, height, total energy intake, current smoking, calcium supplements, vitamin D supplements
Feskanich et al. (53) Prospective cohort (Nurses’ Health Study) 80,600 2138 279/261 p-y 126/112 p-y 54 (range: 34–60) 20.8 <1 serving/wk vs. ≥1 serving/d RR: 0.94 (0.74–1.17) Age, follow-up cycle, total energy intake, calcium and vitamin D from nondairy foods plus supplements, protein from nondairy foods, retinol from supplements, vitamin D, caffeine, alcohol, milk during teenage years, BMI, height, physical activity, smoking, use of postmenopausal hormones, use of thiazide diuretics, furosemide-type diuretics and oral steroids, and diagnoses of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, milk and cheese intakes

p-y, person-years (in thousands).


Intake categories: Tavani et al. (54), portion size was not described by the authors. Sahni et al. (47), cheese intake was calculated as the combined intake of cottage/ricotta cheese (1 serving = 0.5 cup or 120 mL) and American cheese (1 slice or 1 oz or 28 g) and other cheeses. Feskanich et al. (53), cheese intake was calculated as the combined intake of hard and soft cheeses (1 serving = 1 oz or 28 g), and cottage/ricotta cheese (1 serving = 0.5 cup or 120 mL).


Data for postmenopausal or women ≥55 y old only were obtained from the authors.