Fig. 2. Identification of brain cell types associated with diverse human complex traits.
We used two approaches to identify the associations between genetic risk variants of different complex trait and cell types from (a) substantia nigra and (b) cortex: stratified LD score regression (LDSC) (p value associated with an LDSC Coefficient (“Methods”)) and the MAGMA gene set analysis (one-sided positive two-sample t-test). The heatmap colours give different degrees of significance with both methods or either method, an asterisk (*) and double asterisks (**) indicate nominally significant p value (<0.05) and q value (Bonferroni correction for the number of cell types tested). The different traits were clustered by category: cognitive phenotypes (Cog.), autoimmune diseases (Immune), metabolic, cardiovascular and anthropometric traits (Metabolic/Cardio/Anthropometric), Neurological disorders, Psychiatric disorders.