Ranking neurons according to their contribution to the decoding accuracy
for position. a) Validation of the importance index. In this figure
we show the median error for various selections of 50 DG cells from a
representative animal ranked by their importance index as obtained using the
decoder’s weight. Each point in the plot is aligned to the rank of the
first cell in the selection (for example, the first dot corresponds to the
selection of the first 50 cells from index 1 to index 50; the shaded region
represents the standard error for the 10-fold cross-validation). Grey: chance
level and standard error. As expected, the median error for the population of
the 50 top ranked (best) cells is much smaller than the median error for the
worst last (worst) 50 ones. b) Spatial tuning maps for groups of 18
cells ordered by importance index. Same cells as in a. We ranked
the cells using the importance index for position (see Methods). The three groups of best, mid and worst
cells are highlighted with the color bands in a for reference. The
maps are normalized to the peak rate in each map. Dashed red borders indicate
cells that don’t pass the criteria for place-cells using a commonly used
statistical test for tuning (see Methods).
Even among the most important cells there appear some non place-cells (and vice
versa). Similarly, some place cells appear in the group of cells with medium and
low importance. The small fields in the group of low importance cells are due to
significantly lower activities (see also Fig.
5). c) The position of both DG and CA1 animals can be
decoded from the activity of the non-place cells with a performance
significantly higher than chance (Mann-Whitney U test, ***p < 0.001).
Number of cells: 451, 208, 98 in DG mice; 350, 277, 198 in CA1 mice. See also
Fig. S2, S3, S8, S10, S24 and Table S1.