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. 2020 Aug 21;10:14082. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70937-8

Table 11.

Multiple logistic regression analysis of owner´s factors associated with overweight or obese body condition in dogs.

Variable Overweight and obese (BCS ≥ 6) Ideal (BCS 4–5) Total OR CI-95 P-valuea
N % N % N %
Owner’s body mass index
 > 25.0 60 41.1 86 58.9 146 100.0 0.86 0.53–1.42 0.328
 ≤ 25.0 50 44.6 62 55.4 112 100.0
Other pets in the household
Yes 64 49.6 65 50.4 129 100.0 1.69 1.03–2.76 0.025
No 49 36.8 84 63.2 133 100.0
Household type
Apartment 30 41.7 42 58.3 72 100.0 0.92 0.53–1.59 0.440
House 83 43.7 107 56.3 190 100.0
Presence of children in the household
Yes 31 44.9 38 55.1 69 100.0 1.01 0.58–1.76 0.546
No 81 44.8 100 55.2 181 100.0
Presence of elderly people in the household
Yes 58 53.7 50 46.3 108 100.0 1.89 1.14–3.14 0.014
No 54 38.0 88 62.0 142 100.0

BCS body condition score; OR odds ratio; CI-95 95% confidence interval.

aP-value obtained by the chi-square test. BMI* body mass index.