Fig. 2. AuNM-Ag flake-SHP composite as a nerve interfacing electrode for the A-SEE.
a Photograph of AuNM-Ag flake-SHP composite, a schematic showing the transfer-printing of the AuNM onto the Ag flake-SHP composite, and an SEM image showing conformal interfaces between the transferred AuNM and the Ag flake-SHP composite. Representative images from n = 5 independent samples. b Cell viability test after 7 days culture. Data are represented as mean ± S.D. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test (n = 104 cells/mL examined over five independent experiments, P(C2C12) = 0.0001, P(Raw 264.7) = 0.0004, ***P < 0.001). c Resistance-strain characteristics of the A-SEE in pristine and self-healed states. (Inset) Resistance changes in the A-SEE during a cyclic stretching test at 50% strain for 1000 cycles. d Resistance changes in the A-SEE in bending tests that mimic nerve interfacing. (Inset) Photograph showing the A-SEE bent to a bending radius (0.5 mm) of a rat sciatic nerve. e Impedance stability of the A-SEE immersed in PBS solution for 10 days. (Inset) Impedance-frequency characteristics of the A-SEE. f Strain-dependent impedance of the A-SEE at different frequencies. g Cyclic voltammetry curves of the A-SEE at 0 and 100% strain (n = 20). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.