SEM micrographs showing different morphology of RTD iPSCs, as compared to controls. Ctrl iPSCs (i, ii) organize in well-defined colonies, while RTD iPSCs (iii–vi) are found in small colonies or as single cells, often extending lamellipodia (only in P1) or filopodia (in both P1 and P2). P1 cells generally appear more flattened in shape (iii), while P2 cells show a more roundish shape (v), with several vesicles (~1 μm in diameter) budding from the membrane (viii). Accumulation of extracellular vesicles in aciniform aggregates at the apical cell surface (white arrows) is also observed in higher magnification images captured using a TDL detector (vii, viii) (see Material and Methods for details). Scale bars, 25 μm in (i), (iii), and (v); 10 μm in (ii), (iv), and (vi); 1 μm in (vii) and (viii).