1. Cases missing at random |
No changes to model terms. |
2. Cases missing by transmission |
No changes to model terms. Sample from complete network nonrandomly using degree to define sampling weights. |
I. Highly connected cases (“high transmitters”) more likely to be sampled: sampling weighted by degree |
II. Poorly connected cases (“low transmitters”) more likely to be sampled: sampling weighted by inverse degree |
3. Cases missing by smear status |
No changes to model terms. Increase proportion of smear-positive cases in complete network relative to sampled network. |
4. Latent, unmeasured (super-spreading) factor |
Add model term corresponding to unmeasured factor strongly related to transmission in a minority of cases. Vary strength and prevalence of factor. |
I. Unmeasured factor that increases transmission by a factor of 10 (prevalence: 10%) |
II. Unmeasured factor that increases transmission by a factor of 20 (prevalence: 10%) |
III. Unmeasured factor that increases transmission by a factor of 40 (prevalence: 10%) |