Artesunate (AS) reverses sepsis‐induced immunosuppression in caecal ligation and puncture (CLP) mice. (a) Schematic diagram of the establishment of the CLP mouse model with secondary bacterial infection. (b) Mortality of CLP mice challenged with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) and treated by AS (10 mg·kg−1) (n = 20). (c) Effect of AS treatment on the level of TNF‐α (c1), IL‐6 (c2) and IL‐1β (c3) in the serum, spleen and lungs of CLP mice (n = 8). (d) Effect of AS treatment on the level of TNF‐α (d1), IL‐6 (d2), and IL‐1β (d3) in the serum, spleen and lungs of CLP mice challenged with PA (n = 8). (e) Effect of AS treatment on the bacterial load in the blood (e1), spleen (e2) and lungs (e3) at 4 h after the CLP mice were challenged with PA (n = 8). Kaplan–Meyer log‐rank test (b); one‐way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc test (c–e); * P < 0.05