Projection Neurons Relay Information from Multiple VP Glomeruli and Other Modalities to Higher Brain Centers
(A–F’’’) Frontal views of reconstructions (black) of candidate thermo- and hygrosensory PNs that innervate more than one VP glomerulus. (A) VP1m+VP5 ilPN, (A') VP1m+VP5 ilPN, (B) VP1l+VP3 ilPN, (B') VP1l+VP3 ilPN, (C) VP3+VP1l ivPN, (C') VP3+VP1l ivPN, (D) VP1d+VP4 l2PN1, (D') VP1d+VP4 l2PN1, (E) VP1d+VP4 l2PN2, (F) VP1m+VP2 lvPN1#1, (F') VP1m+VP2 lvPN1#2, (F'') VP1m+VP2 lvPN1#3.
(G and H) Proportion of inputs of each type (G) and best fit line to linear regression model plotted in R with the lm() function showing correlation of cable length in each glomerulus with RN input for two RHS multiglomerular VP PNs, VP1m+VP2 lvPN1#1 and VP1l+VP3 ilPN (H).
(I–L) Frontal views of reconstructions (black) of candidate thermo- and hygrosensory PNs that innervate the subesophageal ganglion (red) as well as VP glomeruli. (I) VP1m+VP2 lvPN2, (J) VP1m+ lvPN, (K) VP2+SEZ lvPN1#1, (L) VP5+SEZ adPN.
(M–O’) Frontal views of reconstructions (black) of candidate thermo- and hygrosensory PNs that innervate non-VP glomeruli. Presynaptic sites in red and postsynaptic sites in cyan. Brain neuropils color-coded as in Figure 2C. VP glomeruli color-coded as in Figures 1B and 1B’; non-VP glomeruli in gray. Black outline: candidate novel thermosensory PNs; dashed outline: PNs previously described but not recognized as VP or thermosensory, or associated with the wrong glomeruli. (M) VP4+VP2+VL1 l2PN, (M') VP4+VP2+VL1 l2PN, (N) VP2+VC5 l2PN, (N') VP2+VC5 l2PN, (O) VC5++ l2PN1#1•, (O') VC5++ l2PN1#2*.