Fig. 2.
ERBB2 splice site mutations in human cancers. (A) Table of genomic alterations potentially impacting exon 16 splicing (Top) in patients with a wide range of tumor types, including NSCLC, who underwent CGP using a targeted exome sequencing assay (FoundationOne). Graphic of the intron 15/exon 16 and exon 16/intron 16 junctions with the splice donor and acceptor sites underlined (Bottom). (B) Pie chart showing the disease group distribution of specimens from A. (C) Table of exon 16 splice site events broken down by disease group. Included are frequencies within the group (column 2) and specific disease ontologies as annotated in the Foundation Core database. (D) Count of core splice site (2 nucleotide) missense alterations in the donor and acceptor sites flanking each exon.