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. 2020 May 28;99(10):1150–1156. doi: 10.1177/0022034520926139

Table 1.

Wave 3 Population Characteristics: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Samples.

Cross-sectional Sample (n = 26,086) Longitudinal Sample (n = 22,585)
Characteristic n Weighted Percent n Weighted Percent
Interdental cleaning, times/wk
 None 7,734 25.0 6,584 24.7
 1 to 2 4,905 17.8 4,301 18.0
 3 to 4 3,593 13.8 3,121 14.0
 5 to 6 2,910 11.8 2,556 11.9
 ≥7 6,944 31.6 6,023 31.3
Age, y
 18 to 24 8,298 13.2 7,011 13.3
 25 to 34 5,706 18.7 4,935 18.9
 35 to 44 3,746 16.8 3,275 16.9
 45 to 54 3,464 17.7 3,066 17.4
 55 to 64 2,831 16.8 2,525 17.0
 ≥65 2,039 16.8 1,771 16.5
 Male 12,741 47.8 10,825 47.8
 Female 13,322 52.2 11,740 52.2
 Non-Hispanic White 15,098 64.8 13,029 64.7
 Non-Hispanic Black 3,886 11.5 3,393 11.5
 Non-Hispanic other 2,002 8.0 1,724 8.0
 Hispanic/Latinx 5,042 15.7 4,393 15.8
Annual income
 <$10,000 4,167 10.8 3,580 10.8
 $10,000 to $24,999 5,079 17.9 4,362 17.7
 $25,000 to $49,999 5,573 22.6 4,855 22.6
 $50,000 to $99,999 5,650 27.7 4,982 28.0
 ≥$100,000 3,858 21.0 3,365 20.9
 Below high school 3,170 9.9 2,696 9.7
 High school or GED 7,772 27.2 6,599 27.1
 Some college 9,165 32.2 8,006 32.3
 College degree 5,893 30.8 5,225 30.8
Diabetes history
 Never 22,638 82.8 19,505 83.0
 Ever 3,410 17.2 3,047 17.0
Body mass index
 <18.5 635 1.8 552 1.8
 18.5 to 24.99 9,208 32.6 7,841 32.6
 25 to 29.99 7,863 33.6 6,804 33.5
 ≥30 7,770 32.0 6,882 32.1
Recent dental cleaning
 No 9,274 31.0 7,918 30.7
 Yes (past 12 mo) 16,616 69.0 14,502 69.3
Alcohol use
 None 11,596 45.6 9,970 45.0
 Light 7,584 30.7 6,615 31.2
 Moderate 4,208 15.3 3,684 15.3
 Heavy 2,570 8.4 2,214 8.5
Cannabis use
 None 21,296 90.0 18,474 89.8
 Within past 30 d 4,721 10.0 4,058 10.2
Cigarette smoking
 Never 13,056 60.0 11,635 60.6
 Former 4,720 22.5 4,100 22.1
 Current light 4,669 10.3 3,996 10.3
 Current heavy 3,197 7.2 2,691 7.1
E-cigarette use
 Not currently 24,440 96.7 21,206 96.8
 Currently 1,597 3.3 1,341 3.2
Other combustible use
 Not currently 23,891 96.4 20,755 96.5
 Currently 1,693 3.6 1,420 3.5
Smokeless tobacco use
 Not currently 24,871 97.3 21,578 97.3
 Currently 1,171 2.7 970 2.7

Eligible cross-sectional sample includes respondents who provided their weekly frequency of interdental cleaning, indicated ≥1 wave 3 oral health outcome measure, and reported no more than 12 teeth extracted in their life. The eligible longitudinal sample additionally reported ≥1 wave 4 oral health outcome measure. Number of respondents for some variables may be less than the total sample population due to missing data. Percentages weighted with wave 3 cross-sectional weights (cross-sectional sample) or wave 4 all-wave longitudinal weights (longitudinal sample) with balanced repeated replication.