A. Overview of the ES cell-based functional assay where
mutations are expressed in mESC containing a null allele (KO) and a conditional
allele (CKO) of Brca2, which is flanked by two
loxP sites containing the 5´ and 3´ halves of
human HPRT minigene. Upon Cre expression the conditional allele
is deleted and generates a functional HPRT minigene.
Recombinant clones are selected in the presence of
hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine (HAT). In the absence of a functional
BRCA2, such cells are not viable. Viable clones were
further evaluated by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis.
B. Western blot analysis of
Brca2KO/KO mESC showing expression of
full-length protein by variants with a premature stop codon.
C. RT-PCR analysis to identify transcripts responsible for
viability of Brca2KO/KO mESC expressing
BRCA2 mutant alleles predicted to result in premature
protein truncation. Primers used for RT-PCR are
D. Chromatogram of alternatively spliced transcripts that
are predicted to encode functional BRCA2.