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. 2020 Oct;161:104946. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104946

Table 1.

Overview of the environmental assessment of the food waste prevention initiative “the Gothenburg model for reduced food waste”, components A, B and C are described in section 2.2.2.

Impact category Unit Impact of saved food (A) Impact of avoided treatment (B) Impact of action (C) Net environmental savings (A+B-C)
Climate Change kg CO2 eq 1.58E+06 1.78E+05 3.92E+03 1.76E+06
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq 2.19E+00 4.39E-03 2.63E-04 2.19E+00
Human toxicity, non-cancer effects CTUh 1.24E+00 9.53E-02 6.34E-04 1.33E+00
Human toxicity, cancer effects CTUh 1.89E-02 2.00E-02 4.69E-05 3.89E-02
Particulate matter Disease incidence 1.61E-01 7.73E-03 2.83E-04 1.68E-01
Ionizing radiation HH kBq U235eq 3.24E+04 3.23E+03 2.12E+02 3.54E+04
Photochemical ozone formation kg NMVOC eq 2.72E+03 4.53E+02 1.15E+01 3.16E+03
Acidification molc H+ eq 2.20E+04 8.60E+02 2.50E+01 2.28E+04
Terrestrial eutrophication molc N eq 9.32E+04 2.47E+03 3.92E+01 9.57E+04
Freshwater eutrophication kg P eq 4.17E+02 2.20E+02 2.33E-01 6.37E+02
Marine eutrophication kg N eq 1.03E+04 1.83E+02 3.75E+00 1.05E+04
Freshwater ecotoxicity CTUe 7.91E+06 5.38E+06 4.38E+03 1.33E+07
Land use Pt 1.51E+08 2.51E+06 3.30E+05 1.54E+08
Water scarcity m3 water eq 3.22E+06 1.24E+04 2.09E+03 3.23E+06
ADP Fossil MJ 9.28E+06 -1.16E+06 6.48E+04 8.05E+06
ADP (ultimate) kg Sb eq 1.54E+00 8.69E-02 8.11E-03 1.62E+00