Fig. 4.
Transcript abundance of genes involved in capsanthin/capsaicinoids and biosynthesis and CaERF genes in the pericarp and placenta at different developmental stages. a and b indicate the expression patterns of genes involved in capsanthin biosynthesis and CaERF genes, respectively, in the pericarp at different developmental stages. c and d show the expression patterns of genes involved in capsaicinoidsoid biosynthesis and CaERF genes in placenta at different developmental stages, respectively. The heat map was constructed by log2 values of fragments per kilobase of exon per million fragments mapped (FPKM). The name of each gene with the name of the phylogenetic group is shown at the right of the heat map. Line charts were made using the mean value for the whole cluster. The letter “C” in cluster C represents the pericarp. The letter “L” in cluster L represents the placenta