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. 2020 Aug 21;15(8):e0238077. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238077

Table 1. Sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics of the study population.

Variables Frequencies (n = 628) Percentages (%)
Age (years)* 28.44±6.19
<20 60 9.6
20–30 334 53.2
>30 234 37.3
Marital status
Single** 174 27.7
Married 454 72.3
Educational level
No formal education 38 6.1
Primary 82 13.1
Secondary 416 66.2
Tertiary 92 14.6
Employment status
Unemployed 112 17.8
Employed 516 82.2
Home type
Self-owned house 310 49.4
Compound/shared house 318 50.6
Absent 50 8.0
Present 578 92.0
Source of drinking water
Purified water 332 52.9
Tap water 232 36.9
Well water 64 10.2
Self-reported mosquito exposure
Barely 220 35.0
Moderately 242 38.5
Severely 166 26.4
ITN use
No 334 54.8
Yes 284 45.2
ITN treatment 2 0.3
Repellent use
No 160 25.5
Yes 468 74.5
Spray 324 69.2
Mosquito coil 240 51.3


**Single: (not married, divorced or widowed); ITN: insecticide treated net