Fig 3.
Graphs showing: a, b, c, d, δ13C values for the C16:0 and C18:0 fatty acids for archaeological fats extracted from Vrbjanska Čuka, Starčevo-Grad, Magareći Mlin and Rutonjina Greda vessels, respectively. The three fields correspond to the P = 0.684 confidence ellipses for animals raised on a strict C3 diet in Britain [41]. Each data point represents either: blue circle—terrestrial animal product; red triangle—plant/animal product mixture; Plots e, f, g, h, show the Δ13C (δ13C18:0 –δ13C16:0) values from the same potsherds. The ranges shown here represent the mean ± 1 s.d. of the Δ13C values for a global database comprising modern reference animal fats from Africa [42], UK (animals raised on a pure C3 diet) [36] Kazakhstan [43], Switzerland [44] and the Near East [45], published elsewhere.