Fig 2. Flowchart showing the number of villages and number of tests observed by intervention period by step.
The mean (SD) testing rate of RDTs was 20.5 (14.6) tests per village per month, and the mean (SD) number of months villages had observations for was 13.8 (1.8) months. For PCR, the mean (SD) monthly testing rate per village was 11.2 (7.9) tests, and the mean (SD) number of months villages had observations for was 10.6 (3.0). Missing village data for a9, b7, c4, d3, e5, f6, g8, h11, i1, and j12 villages including 2 villages that were enrolled and randomised into the trial but were unable to participate due to security reasons. PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RDT, rapid diagnostic test.