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. 2020 Aug 21;15(8):e0237911. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237911

Table 3. The 25 events with the highest ranks according to the t-test.

Event Event type Description % cases % controls
cervixcancer Text Entity cervical cancer 43.603 0.345
cervixca Text Entity cervix ca 7.949 0.037
mikroinvasiv Text Entity microinvasive 9.765 0.037
skivepitelca Text Entity squamous cell ca 6.662 0.173
cin 3 Text Entity cervical dysplasia, grade 3 14.459 0.574
medelhög diff Text Entity moderately diff 12.339 0.962
skivepitelcancer Text Entity squamous cell carcinoma 31.643 0.956
invasivt växa Text Entity invasive growth 8.251 0.827
skivepitelcancer in situ Text Entity squamous cell carcinoma in situ 6.435 0.222
lågt diff Text Entity poorly diff 9.841 0.648
Z031 ICD full code Observation for suspected malignant neoplasm 7.873 1.382
överväxt Text Entity overgrowth 6.510 1.024
D06 ICD subsection Carcinoma in situ: Cervix 8.857 0.617
D069 ICD full code Carcinoma in situ: Cervix, unspecified 8.478 0.592
lättblöda Text Entity easily bleeding 11.734 2.233
AV033 Procedure Evaluation before surgery 12.339 3.855
LDC03 Procedure Cervical conization using diathermy or laser 5.223 0.907
C51-C58 ICD section Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs 15.443 2.054
XLE00 Procedure Colposcopy 8.251 1.252
cellförändring Text Entity dysplasia 11.052 1.999
cancer in situ Text Entity cancer in situ 6.586 0.827
postmenopausal blödning Text Entity postmenopausal bleeding 6.283 0.746
LDA20 Procedure Biopsy of portio 8.781 0.944
breddöka Text Entity increased width 6.510 0.981
låg diff Text Entity poorly diff 7.040 0.592
C54 ICD subsection Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri 8.100 1.147

Events associated with less than 5% of cases have been excluded. The description column gives translations of the Swedish textual entities and the words “ca” and “diff” are abbreviations of “cancer” and “differentiation”, respectively. Since lemmatization has been used, an entity such as mikroinvasiv (indefinite form) also represents mikroinvastivt (definite form) and mikroinvasiva (plural form).