Fig. 2.
Sex-Specific Brain Predictors of Adolescent Cannabis Use. Panels a and b: Brain regions where age 16 cannabis users displayed higher average group-level activation or grey matter volume relative to their nonusing peers. Panel a: Male-Specific Predictive ROIs. Stop success refers to successful inhibition trials minus implicit baseline during the stop signal task; ROI (red) in left inferior temporal gyrus. GMV ROI (yellow) in right medial prefrontal cortex. Panel b: Female-Specific Predictive ROIs. Stop Failure refers to failed inhibition trials minus implicit baseline during the stop signal task; ROIs (pink) in left lateral paravermis, left midbrain, left pre- and postcentral gyrus, right postcentral gyrus. Angry faces refer to passive viewing of angry faces minus control images; ROI (orange) in left ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Reward anticipation refers to the processing of monetary reward cues; ROI (dark green) in left middle frontal gyrus. Stop failure and GMV overlapping ROI (purple) in right presupplementary motor area. Panels c and d: Brain regions where age 16 cannabis users displayed lower average group-level activation or grey matter volume relative to their nonusing peers. Panel c: Male-Specific ROIs. Stop success ROIs (dark blue) in left cerebellum include the anterior cerebellum, paravermis and posterior-lateral portion of the left hemisphere. GMV ROI (bright green) in left middle cingulate. Neutral Faces (passive viewing of neutral faces minus control images) and GMV overlapping ROI (teal) in right midbrain with extent into thalamus. Panel d: Female-Specific ROIs. Angry faces ROI (light blue) in right cerebellar tonsil. Stop success ROIs (dark blue) in bilateral orbitofrontal cortex and two contiguous regions in the right middle temporal gyrus. GMV ROI (bright green) in right middle frontal gyrus. Neutral faces ROIs (maroon) in right superior frontal gyrus and lingual gyrus. Stop failure ROI (dark yellow) in right inferior frontal gyrus.