Variable and Domain | Percent Change in Black MSM Testing Rate (in standard deviation units) Per Standard Deviation Increase in the Independent Variabled (CI) |
Need Domain | |
Black MSM living with HIV per 10,000 Black MSM | |
Lagged baseline (2010) | 31.68 (12.30, 54.40)* |
Change since baseline | −2.29 (−10.8, 7.04) |
General Resources Domain | |
Percent Black residents employed | |
Lagged baseline (2008) | 21.46 (7.56, 37.14)* |
Change since baseline | 6.37 (−1.79, 15.20) |
Specialized Resources Domain | |
Black heterosexual HIV testing rate per 10,000 Black adults | |
Lagged baseline (2010) | 58.71 (27.35, 97.78)* |
Change since baseline | 8.98 (0.11, 18.63) |
Health expenditures per capita ($) | |
Lagged baseline (2008) | 17.73 (−7.08, 49.15)* |
Change since baseline | 1.60 (−24.44, 36.59) |
Liberalism of Public Policies Domain | |
ACT UP organization presence | |
Lagged baseline (1990) | 21.01 (−11.48, 65.4)* |
Syringe service program presence | |
Lagged baseline (2008) | 12.76 (−12.79, 45.79)* |
Institutional Opposition Domain | |
Hard drug arrest rate per 10,000 | |
Lagged baseline (2009) | −19.27 (−30.54, −6.17)* |
Change since baseline | −9.50 (−15.49, −2.11)* |
Racial Structure Domain | |
Percent isolated Black residents | |
Lagged baseline (2008) | 1.55 (−13.84, 19.7) |
Change since baseline | 7.70 (−3.01, 19.59) |
Three level multilevel model with yearly observations (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2105, 2016) nested within MSA and MSAs nested within state. All models include a linear time function.
Variables significant in the final multivariable model shown.
2011 to 2016 refers to the timeframe for the HIV diagnoses outcome. Independent variables were lagged 1–3 years using the lag with the strongest association with the outcome. Note: Independent variables were lagged because we did not expect a change in the independent variables to have an instantaneous effect on the outcome.
Results of back transformation of standardized models with the natural logged outcome to obtain percent change in the MSM testing rate (in standard deviation units) per 1 standard deviation increase in the independent variable.
Binary independent variable.
Significant at the a priori cut point. Variables in the multivariable model are substantively significant if the coefficient is |>.10|