Stk11 deletion in BLApn does not change C-FOS expression. C-FOS protein expression in the BLA was measured 4 hr following CTA training in
Stk11f/f mice receiving Cre or control virus injection 10 days earlier. There was no difference between the groups (t(4)=-0.4; p=0.69, N = 3/group). (
Fos deletion in BLApn does not change STK11 expression. STK11 protein expression in the BLA was measured 4 hr following CTA training in
Fosf/f receiving Cre or control virus injection 10 days earlier. There was no difference between the groups (t(4)=0.03; p=0.84, N = 3/group). See also
Figure 5—figure supplement 1—source data 1–