(A–C) Whole-cell patch clamp recordings from BLA neurons in acute brain slices following in vivo infection with AAV-CamKIIa::HM3Dq. Firing rate (A), example in C) in response to 1 s current steps and resting membrane potential (B) measured before (control) and 5 min after (CNO) bath application of 0.1 µM CNO. (A) A repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of CNO application (F(1,27) = 22.9, p=5.4 E-5) and current (F(2,54) = 355.4, p=8.3×10−32) on firing rate, along with a statistically significant interaction (F(2,54) = 8.2, p=2.57×10−11). Post-hoc pairwise comparisons showed that firing rates of neurons were significantly higher during the CNO treatment compared to control in response to 100 pA (p=5×10−7) and 300 pA (p=0.012) input. (B) Resting membrane potentials of neurons are significantly higher than in control (paired sample t-test, t = −8.5, p=2×10−8). (C) Sample trace of spike trains in current clamp with 100 pA stimulation of the same neuron in CNO and control conditions. (D) BLA was infected with AAV-CamKIIa-HM3Dq or GFP as control. 10 days later mice were injected with CNO and C-FOS protein expression in the infected area in the BLA was measured 90 min later. Left. Representative images of C-FOS/HM3Dq and C-FOS/GFP. Right. CNO treatment increases C-FOS expression in the infected area in the BLA (N = 4/6; Mann–Whitney: Z = − 2.76; p=0.006). **p<0.01.