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. 2020 Jun 9;21(4):353–371. doi: 10.1007/s10162-020-00758-z

Table 2.

Lower and upper filter cut-off frequencies used for the experimental MAPs for blurring at the input level. Note that for M6 and M8, the mapping of frequency channel bandwidths led to non-monotonic increases in lower and upper cut-off frequencies across filter channels 2 to 9 (see also Fig. 1 for comparison)

Filter channel M05 M1 M2 M3 M4 M6 M8
Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High
1 238 374 238 442 238 510 238 646 238 714 238 918 238 1122
2 442 510 442 578 306 578 238 646 238 714 238 850 238 986
3 510 578 578 646 510 646 442 646 442 714 374 782 306 850
4 646 714 646 782 510 782 442 850 442 918 238 1054 238 1190
5 782 850 782 918 646 918 578 986 510 1054 374 1190 238 1326
6 918 986 918 1054 850 1122 782 1190 714 1258 578 1394 442 1530
7 1122 1190 1054 1257 986 1394 850 1462 782 1598 578 1802 374 2006
8 1326 1462 1257 1529 1122 1666 986 1802 850 1938 578 2210 306 2482
9 1598 1734 1529 1801 1394 1938 1258 2074 1122 2210 850 2482 578 2754
10 1938 2142 1801 2141 1666 2346 1530 2550 1326 2686 986 3026 646 3366
11 2346 2550 2141 2549 2006 2822 1802 3026 1598 3230 1190 3638 782 4046
12 2754 3026 2549 3025 2414 3366 2210 3638 1938 3842 1462 4318 986 4794
13 3366 3638 3025 3568 2958 4046 2686 4318 2414 4590 1870 5134 1326 5678
14 4046 4386 3568 4248 3502 4862 3162 5202 2822 5542 2142 6222 1462 6902
15 5678 8058 4248 8054 3502 8058 3162 8058 2822 8058 2142 8058 1462 8058