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. 2020 Aug 25;20:1280. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09375-0

Table 1.

Estimated age, period and cohort effects from APC modeling of the breast cancer mortality rates for women during 1990–2015, China

Age αi Period βj Cohort γk
20–24 −2.995 1990 −0.141 1906–1910 0.626
25–29 −1.822 1995 −0.114 1911–1915 0.577
30–34 −0.792 2000 −0.073 1916–1920 0.565
35–39 −0.350 2005 −0.020 1921–1925 0.554
40–44 0.034 2010 0.090 1926–1930 0.550
45–49 0.394 2015 0.258 1931–1935 0.518
50–54 0.525 1936–1940 0.487
55–59 0.643 1941–1945 0.414
60–64 0.692 1946–1950 0.407
65–69 0.764 1951–1955 0.306
70–74 0.843 1956–1960 0.099
75–79 0.968 1961–1965 −0.028
80–84 1.096 1966–1970 −0.223
1971–1975 − 0.514
1976–1980 −0.726
1981–1985 −0.841
1986–1990 −1.020
1991–1995 −1.752

Note to Table 1: Data-model fit: Deviance = 1.246, AIC = 5.092, BIC = -190.449