Figure 3 .
Pre-/postcentral gyri FW changes with spaceflight and aging. Twelve-month astronaut data are shown in orange (TM-1) and yellow (TM-2). Six-month astronaut data are shown in gray. Control data are shown in blue. FW is expressed as mean FW fraction change per year. Top: Numeric values in the left “Spaceflight Changes” panels indicate slope of change in units of mean FW fraction per year. For the 6-month group, these slopes are the group median slope. Error bars indicate standard error. Bottom: The average FW change over time for the control participants is indicated by the blue line with blue 95% confidence interval. The control group median slope is indicated in blue text. Error bars indicate standard error. The dMRI control scans were collected over an average of 1.4 ± 0.6 years and thus entire trajectory of change for the dMRI control data is depicted in the figure. ROI Image: Structural ROIs are overlaid onto slices and a rendered template brain in standard space.