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. 2018 May 17;2:PO.17.00225. doi: 10.1200/PO.17.00225

Fig A4.

Fig A4.

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) single nucleotide variant (SNV) monitoring of patients with melanoma over disease progression (cohort 2). cfDNA SNV profiling during disease progression in patients with melanoma is displayed (cohort 2). For each time course, progressive clinical events are highlighted in gray or white. Dashed line indicates digital next-generation sequencing limit of detection (≥ 0.1%); red arrows indicate surgical resection. DF, disease-free period of follow-up every 2 to 4 months; Distant mets: distant metastasis or relapse; LDH (ND), lactate dehydrogenase not done longitudinally; Pre-op, American Joint Committee on Cancer stage III diagnosis before complete lymph node dissection; VAF, variant allele fraction.