Fig 5. Predictions for different standard deviations chosen for different parameters in our model.
Dots represent the standard deviation for each gravity (0.7g-1.3g), divided by Occlusion category (Long and Short) and initial vertical velocities (4.5 and 6 m/s). The color gradient indicates different values of the (standardized) standard deviation for the perceived distance, the perceived velocity, the represented gravity and the remaining error. The baseline values are 0.148 for distance and velocity, 0.1 for gravity and 0.05 for the remaining (motor) error. A. Predictions for five standardized standard deviations for the perceived distance (0.1–0.3 m). B. Predictions for five standard deviations for the remaining (motor) error (0.02–0.1 s), modelled as independent of and constant across initial velocities, gravities and occlusion conditions. C. Predictions for five different standardized standard deviations for the last perceived velocity (0.1–0.3 m/s). D. Predictions for five different standardized standard deviations for the represented gravity (0.02–0.18 m/s2).