Table 1.
Demographics of PD+ICD and PD-no-ICD groups
PD+ICD | PD-no-ICD | PD+ICD versus PD-no-ICD | |
Mean (SD) | Mean (SD) | P-value | |
n | 23 | 26 | |
Age, years | 63.70 (7.56) | 67.19 (5.92) | 0.076 |
Gender | 12 male | 19 male | 0.151 |
Average age at diagnosis | 55.09 (7.25) | 62.33 (7.41) | <0.01* |
Disease duration, years | 8.71 (4.25) | 4.87 (4.09) | <0.05* |
Symptom duration, years | 10.97 (4.71) | 7.34 (4.45) (n = 22) | <0.05* |
Apathy, LARS Total | −20.09 (6.16) | −22.23 (8.65) | 0.299 |
Depression, BDI | 12.26 (5.84) | 13.00 (7.10) | 0.695 |
Cognitive screen, MoCA | 27.39 (2.55) | 27.77 (1.95) | 0.560 |
Anhedonia, SHAPS | 48.61 (4.55) | 48.35 (5.69) | 0.865 |
Anhedonia, TEPS Total | 61.52 (8.99) | 60.65 (7.03) | 0.707 |
BIS/BAS: BIS | 19.96 (4.76) | 12.54 (2.49) | <0.001* |
BIS/BAS: BAS Drive | 9.43 (1.67) | 10.65 (2.35) | <0.05* |
BIS/BAS: BAS Reward Responsiveness | 14.57 (2.41) | 9.35 (2.15) | <0.001* |
BIS/BAS: BAS Fun-Seeking | 10.30 (1.79) | 9.77 (2.41) | 0.387 |
DASS Total | 27.35 (16.82) | 21.88 (15.10) | 0.237 |
UPDRS Total | 59.09 (31.43) | 37.04 (15.37) | <0.05* |
UPDRS Part 1 | 14.17 (7.55) | 7.46 (4.84) | <0.05* |
UPDRS Part 2 | 15.83 (9.45) | 9.54 (4.36) | <0.05* |
UPDRS Part 3_ON | 24.22 (16.94) | 18.62 (9.38) | 0.169 |
UPDRS Part 3_OFF | 33.65 (16.61) | 27.08 (9.61) | 0.105 |
UPDRS Part 3 ON minus OFF | 9.43 (5.24) | 8.46 (4.18) | 0.473 |
UPDRS Part 4 | 4.87 (5.04) | 1.42 (2.64) | <0.05* |
Hoehn and Yahr stage | 1.83 (0.83) | 1.31 (0.62) | <0.05* |
Hours since last dose: ON versus OFF | 2.57 (±1.16) versus 14.22 (±2.01) | 2.56 (±2.34) versus 14.28 (±4.3) | 0.976 versus 0.953 |
Levodopa equivalent dose, mg/24 h | 716.32 (324.94) | 497.15 (335.97) | <0.05* |
Dopamine agonist equivalent dose, mg/24 h | 126.81 (153.31) | 75.84 (137.49) | 0.226 |
Values in parentheses represent standard deviations. BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; BIS/BAS = Behavioural Inhibition Scale/Behavioural Activation Scale; DASS = Depression Anxiety Stress Scales; LARS = Lille Apathy Rating Scale; MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment; SHAPS = Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale; TEPS = Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale; UPDRS Part 1 = Non-Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living, Part 2 = Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living, Part 3 = Motor Examination (ON Dopamine), Part 4 = Motor Complications.
Significant result.