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. 2020 Mar 9;18(3):e05991. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.5991

Table 11.

Oral acute toxicity studies of chlorinated paraffins (CPs)

CP category CP specification Species/strain LD50 (g/kg bw) Reference
SCCPs C12, 60% chlorination F344/N rat > 13.6 NTP (1986a); Bucher et al. (1987)
C12, 59% chlorination Rat > 21.5 Diamond Shamrock Chem. Co (1975, unpublished study, as cited by Howard et al. (1975) and WHO/IPCS (1996)
C12, 60% chlorination B6C3F1 mouse > 27.2 NTP (1986a), Bucher et al. (1987)

Cereclor 50LV, C10–13,

50% chlorination

Wistar rat > 4 Birtley et al. (1980)
MCCPs C14–17, 40–52% chlorination Rat > 15 Kuhnert (1986a,b), Chater (1978), as cited by EU‐RAR (2011)

Cereclor S52, C14–17,

52% chlorination

Wistar rat > 4 Birtley et al. (1980)
LCCPs C23, 43% chlorination F344/N rat > 11.7 NTP (1986b); Bucher et al. (1987)
C23, 43% chlorination B6C3F1 mouse > 23.4 NTP (1986b); Bucher et al. (1987)

Cereclor 42, C20–30,

42% chlorination

Wistar rat > 4 Birtley et al. (1980)

LCCPs: long‐chain chlorinated paraffins; MCCPs: medium‐chain chlorinated paraffins; SCCPs: short‐chain chlorinated paraffins; LD50: lethal dose, median.