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. 2020 Mar 9;18(3):e05991. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.5991

Table 12.

Repeated dose toxicity studies on SCCPs in rats and mice

Species/ strain Number of animals per group SCCP specification Duration Administration Dose levels (mg/kg bw per day) Most sensitive endpoints NOAEL (mg/kg bw per day) LOAEL (mg/kg bw per day) Reference
Studies in rats
F344 rat 5/sex per group


58% chlorination

14 days Diet 0, 100, 300, 1,000, 3,000 ↑ absolute and relative liver weights, ↑ incidence of hepatocellular hypertrophy 100 IRDC (1983a)a
F344 rat 5/sex per group


58% chlorination

14 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 30, 100, 300, 1,000, 3,000 ↑ relative liver weights in males 30 100 IRDC (1981a)a
Alpk:APfSD rat 5/males per group

Cereclor 56L, C10–13,

56% chlorination

14 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000 ↑ relative liver weightsb 10 50 Wyatt et al. (1993)
Alpk:APfSD rat 5/males per group Chlorowax 500C, C10–13, 58% chlorination 14 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000 ↑ absolute and relative liver weights 50 100 Wyatt et al. (1993)
F344 rat 5/sex per group


60% chlorination

16 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 469, 938, 1,875, 3,750, 7,500 Liver enlargement 469 NTP (1986a), Bucher et al. (1987)
Sprague–Dawley rat 9/males per group


56.5% chlorination

28 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 1, 10, 100 ↓ plasma FT3, ↑ plasma TSH 1 (NOEL) 10 (LOEL) Gong et al. (2018)
F344 rat

15/sex per



58% chlorination

90 days Diet 0, 10, 100, 625 ↑ absolute and relative liver and kidney weights; histopathological changes such as hepatocellular hypertrophy (both sexes), mild nephritis (males only), and thyroid hypertrophy and hyperplasia (males only) 10 100 IRDC (1984a)a, Serrone et al. (1987)
F344 rat 15/sex per group


58% chlorination

90 days


(corn oil)

0, 10, 100, 625 ↑ absolute and relative liver and kidney weights; histopathological changes such as hepatocellular hypertrophy (males only), mild nephropathy (males only) 10 100 IRDC (1984b)a, Serrone et al. (1987)
F344 rat 10/sex per group


60% chlorination

90 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 313, 625, 1,250, 2,500, 5,000 ↑ relative liver weights 313 NTP (1986a), Bucher et al. (1987)
F344 rat

50/sex per group

20/sex per group


60% chlorination

2 years Gavage (corn oil) 0, 312, 625 ↑ liver and kidney weights; histopathological finding in the liver, kidney, stomach, forestomach and parathyroid 312 NTP (1986a), Bucher et al. (1987)
Studies in mice
Alpk:APfCD‐1 mouse 5/males per group Cereclor 56L, C10–13, 56% chlorination 14 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000 ↑ absolute and relative liver weights 50 100 Wyatt et al. (1993)
Alpk:APfCD‐1 mouse 5/males per group Chlorowax 500C, C10–13, 58% chlorination 14 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000 ↑ relative liver weights 100 250 Wyatt et al. (1993)
B6F3C1 mouse 5/sex per group


60% chlorination

16 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 938, 1,875, 3,750, 7,500, 15,000 liver enlargement 938 NTP (1986a), Bucher et al. (1987)
B6F3C1 mouse 10/sex per group


60% chlorination

90 days Gavage (corn oil) 0, 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000 ↑ relative liver weights (females), hepatocellular hypertrophy (both sexes) 125 250 NTP (1986a), Bucher et al. (1987)
B6F3C1 mouse 50/sex per group


60% chlorination

2 years Gavage (corn oil) 0, 125, 250 Histopathological findings in the kidney (females only) and in the thyroid (both sexes) 125 NTP (1986a), Bucher et al. (1987)

SCCPs: short‐chain chlorinated paraffins; NOAEL: no‐observed adverse effect level; LOAEL: lowest‐observed adverse effect level; bw: body weight; T3: triiodothyronine; TSH: thyroid‐stimulating hormone; FT3: free T3.


Unpublished study report, see Documentation provided to EFSA.


For absolute liver weight increase, the lowest significant effect was at 10 mg/kg bw per day but followed an irregular dose response. As consequence, it was not used for the determination of NOAEL and LOAEL.