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. 2020 Mar 9;18(3):e06053. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6053

Table 5.

In vitro chromosomal aberration results

Type of test Experimental test system Test substance Exposure conditions Result WG considerations and conclusion Reference
In vitro chromosomal aberration Human lymphocytes (pooled blood from healthy male non‐smoking donors)

Triazine amine

IN‐A4098 (97%)

Negative control: solvent DMSO (2% v/v)

1st exp.: −S9: 3h expo., harvesting after 18 h, 0 (DMSO), 110.88, 184.8 and 308 μg/mL; +S9 (2% v/v): 3 h expo., harvesting after 18 h, 0 (DMSO), 110.88, 184.8 and 308 μg/mL

2nd exp.: −S9: 21 h expo., harvesting at end of treatment, 0 (DMSO), 66.33, 184.8 and 308 μg/mL; +S9 (5% v/v): 3h expo., harvesting after 18 h, 0 (DMSO), 110.88, 184.8 and 308 μg/mL

Duplicate cultures

No stat. significant increase in % aberrant metaphases

No stat. significant increase in proportion of polyploid cells

1st exp: No reduction in MI at 308 μg/ml with or without S9

2nd exp: decrease of MI at the two high doses w/o S9 (MI: 75% and 59% of neg. control, respectively)

GLP compliant

OECD TG 473 (1997)

Solubility of IN‐A4098 in DMSO: up to 15.4 mg/mL (308 μg/mL = limit solubility)

2% v/v DMSO added to the culture medium instead of 1% v/v

No precipitation, no fluctuation in osmolality or change in pH

Cytotoxicity: calculation of MI (not for pos. control treated cultures or cultures where no signs of cytotoxicity)

200 metaphases analysed/dose (according to OECD TG 473, 2016: at least 300 metaphases should be analysed)

Minor deviations from current OECD requirements which do not impact the conclusion


Woods (2011b)
In vitro chromosomal aberration Human lymphocytes (1 healthy non‐smoking 23‐year‐old female donor)

Triazine amine

IN‐A4098 (98.7%)

Negative control: solvent DMSO

Preliminary toxicity test: max. dose tested: 1,400 μg/mL, with or without S9

−S9: expo. 4 h and 20 h, +S9: 4 h

Main test: 1st exp.: −S9: 4 h expo., harvesting 20 h after exposure, 0 (DMSO), 500, 1,000 and 1,400 μg/mL; +S9 (2% v/v): 4 h expo., harvesting 20 h after exposure, 0 (DMSO), 500, 1,000 and 1,400 μg/mL

2nd exp.: −S9: 20 h expo., harvesting at end of treatment, 0 (DMSO), 500, 1,000 and 1,400 μg/mL;

Duplicate cultures

Visible precipitate at ≥ 420 μg/mL. Dose levels ≤ 140 μg/mL were soluble in treatment medium. Absence of toxicity

No stat. significant increase in the % of cells with structural or numerical aberrations

Visible precipitate at ≥ 250 μg/mL, dose level of 125 μg/mL was soluble in treatment medium at beginning of treatment, visible; precipitate at conclusion of treatment at ≥ 500 μg/mL, doses ≤ 250 μg/mL were soluble

MI: decrease up to 53% in 1st exp. ‐S9, up to 61% in 1st exp +S9, up to 57% in 2nd exp. –S9

GLP compliant

OECD TG 473 (1997)

Solubility of IN‐A4098 in DMSO: at 150 mg/mL

Only conc. above the solubility limit of TA in the culture medium have been tested

200 metaphases analysed/dose (according to OECD 473, 2016: at least 300 metaphases should be analysed)

Minor deviations from current OECD requirements which do not impact the conclusion


Gudi and Rao (2009)
In vitro chromosomal aberration Human lymphocytes (healthy donors)

Triazine amine

IN‐A4098 (99.5%)

Negative control: solvent DMSO

Preliminary cytotoxicity: 0.1–100 μg/mL

Main test: 1st exp.: −S9: 4 h expo., harvesting 20 h later, 0 (DMSO), 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL; + S9 (10% v/v): 4 h expo., harvesting 20 h later, 0 (DMSO), 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL

2nd exp.: −S9: 24 h expo., harvesting at end of treatment, 0 (DMSO), 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL; + S9 (10% v/v): 4 h expo., harvesting 20 h later, 0 (DMSO), 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL

Duplicate cultures

MI: −S9: 65% of negative control at HD, +S9: 85% of negative control at HD

No stat. significant increase in the % of cells with aberrations excluding gaps

No test item‐related polyploidy or endoreduplication

Precipitation at the HD 200 μg/mL, no signs of cytotoxicity

1st exp: −S9 MI: 134% of negative control at HD, +S9: 90% of negative control at HD;

2nd exp: −S9 MI: 98% of negative control at HD, +S9: 107% of negative control at HD

GLP compliant

OECD TG 473 (1997)

Solubility of IN‐A4098 in DMSO: 10 mg/mL

Max. conc. Achieved: 200 μg/mL

200 metaphases analysed/dose (according to OECD 473, 2016: at least 300 metaphases should be analysed)

Minor deviations from current OECD requirements which do not impact the conclusion


Flügge (2011c)
In vitro chromosomal aberration Human lymphocytes

Triazine amine

CGA 150 829 tech. (97%)

Negative control: solvent DMSO (1% v/v)

Preliminary cytotoxicity: 0.0122–100 μg/mL

Main test: − S9: 3 h expo., harvesting 44 h later, 0 (DMSO), 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5 & 10 μg/mL; +S9 (10% v/v): 3 h expo., harvesting 44 h later, 0 (DMSO), 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 & 100 μg/mL

−S9 MI: 37% of negative control at HD, +S9 MI: 75% of negative control at HD

−S9: No increase in the % of aberrant metaphases

+S9: no dose‐related increase in the % of aberrant cells

No increase in polyploidy or aneuploid metaphases

Positive control: no clear increase in the % aberrant cells in test +S9

Solubility in DMSO: 10 mg/mL

No determination of solubility limit in culture medium

Cytotoxicity not concurrently measured

100 metaphases analysed/dose (according to OECD TG 473, 2016: at least 300 metaphases should be analysed)

No repetition of the experiment

No experiment with an extended treatment period

No statistical evaluation

Major deviations from current OECD requirements which impact the conclusion

Negative but not reliable

Dollenmeier (1987)
In vitro chromosomal aberration CHO cells (CCL 61)

Triazine amine

CGA 150 829 tech. (99.4%)

Negative control: solvent DMSO (1% v/v)

Cytotoxicity: 0.78–100 μg/mL

Main test: Original study: Exp 1 −S9: 25, 50 & 100 μg/mL, expo: 18 h, harvesting at end of treatment; Exp 2 +S9 (1.5%): 25, 50 & 100 μg/mL, expo: 3 h, recovery: 15 h later

Confirmatory study: Exp 1 −S9: 25, 50 & 100 μg/mL, expo: 18 h, harvesting at end of treatment; Exp 2 +S9 (1.5%): 25, 50 & 100 μg/mL, expo: 3 h, recovery: 15 h later

Exp 3 −S9: 25, 50 & 100 μg/mL, expo: 42 h, harvesting at end of treatment;

Exp 4 +S9 (1.5%): 25, 50 & 100 μg/mL, expo: 3 h, recovery: 39 h later

No increase in the % of cells with aberrations

Original study: Exp 1: HD: MI = 97% of negative control

Exp 2: HD: MI = 73% of negative control

Confirmatory study: Exp 3 HD: MI = 35% of negative control

Exp 4 HD: MI = 98% of negative control

GLP compliant

OECD TG 473 (1983)

Substance dissolved in DMSO for 2 h by ultrasonic treatment. Neither the solubility limit of triazine amine in DMSO nor the solubility limit of triazine amine in culture medium were determined

200 metaphases analysed/dose and only 50 metaphases in the positive control (according to OECD TG 473, 2016: at least 300 metaphases should be analysed)

No statistical evaluation

Absence of data allowing to determine if the concentrations used were sufficiently high or not

Major deviations from current OECD requirements which impact the conclusion

Negative but not reliable

Meyer (1991)

DMSO: dimethyl sulfoxide; S9: metabolic activation; MI: mitotic index; HD: high dose.